In de hele kosmos is er maar één blauwe planeet: de onze. De oceanen zijn de thuisbasis van enkele van 's werelds meest ongelooflijke dieren, waaronder veel bedreigde wezens die worden bedreigd door stijgende temperaturen van de zee, veranderende pH-waarden en plastic afval. Om deze opmerkelijke soorten te behouden, is het van cruciaal belang om te zoeken naar dierproefvrije duurzame duikervaringen die dierenwelzijn hoog in het vaandel hebben staan.
De duikgemeenschap maakt milieukwesties en milieubescherming steeds meer onderdeel van haar functioneren. De EUF is voorstander van deze beweging en wil deze waar mogelijk ondersteunen.
Elk jaar reikt de EUF een prijs uit aan een project dat de relatie tussen sportduiken en milieubescherming benadrukt. Het doel is om de ingediende projecten de kans te geven een groter publiek te bereiken.
Het EUF Eco-project moet duikers, duikscholen en organisaties of federaties die betrokken zijn bij het duiken, aanmoedigen om alle initiatieven ter bevordering van het milieubewustzijn in de duikgemeenschap aan te moedigen.
- Eligibility:
- The EUF Eco Award will be presented every year.
- The contest is open to all member diving organizations of the European Underwater Federation (EUF) and is also open for all other sport diving organizations in Europe, natural persons, local clubs, or partnerships.
- All natural persons and local clubs can submit their nominations.
- Each entity is allowed to submit one initiative per year.
- Initiatives must be implemented or be in the process of implementation within the contest year or in the year before.
- Initiatives submitted in previous years are not eligible for re-submission unless there have been significant updates or improvements.
- Submission Guidelines:
- Submissions must be made in English.
- Submissions must be sent via the submission form on the EUF website or via email to
Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. . - Submission period: February 1 - November 1.
- Each submission should include the following:
- The name of the applicant, or in case the application is being made on behalf of an organization the name of a contact person.
- A detailed description of the initiative (maximum two thousand words).
- A clear explanation of the conservation or ecological impact of the initiative.
- Documentation and evidence of implementation or progress (e.g., photos, videos, reports).
- A statement of any partnerships or collaborations with other organizations or stakeholders.
- Contact information for the submitting applicant.
- Evaluation Criteria:
- 20% - Innovation:
Does the initiative present a novel approach to conservation or ecological issues related to diving? Is there originality of the approach or technique used in the initiative. Is there a demonstration of novel thinking or unique solutions to address conservation and ecology challenges. - 30% - Impact:
What is the potential conservation or ecological impact of the initiative? Is it measurable and sustainable? Are there measurable outcomes and positive effects on marine ecosystems, species, or habitats. Is there evidence of long-term benefits or potential for scalable solutions to the addressed problem. - 10% - Scalability:
Can the initiative be scaled up or replicated by other entities or in other regions? Is there a realistic implementation plan, including budget, timeline, and available resources. And what about the potential for the initiative to continue functioning effectively over time with minimal environmental, social, or economic impact. - 20% - Collaboration and community engagement:
Does the initiative involve collaboration with other organizations, relevant stakeholders, or local communities? - 10% - Educational and awareness-building value:
Does the initiative contribute to raising awareness or educating the public, divers, or other stakeholders about conservation or ecological issues related to diving? - 10% - Communication and presentation:
Clarity, coherence, and organization of the submitted materials. Effectiveness in conveying the initiative's objectives, methods, and results.
- 20% - Innovation:
- Judging and Winner Announcement:
- Submissions will be reviewed by a jury panel consisting of five diving experts, and marine conservation professionals and will be called the EUF Eco team.
- The EUF Jury will evaluate all eligible submissions based on the evaluation criteria.
- The jury panel will assess each submission based on the above criteria and assign a score out of 100. The initiative with the highest overall score will be declared the winner. In the case of a tie, the jury will deliberate and select the winner based on the initiative's potential to inspire others in the diving and conservation community.
- The jury may contact the applicant for additional information or clarification if needed.
- No objection can be made to the jury’s result.
- The winner will be appointed during Q1 of the following year.
- Public announcement will be at the BOOT show in Düsseldorf (Germany).
- Prize:
- The winning person, club, organization will receive recognition from the EUF, including publicity and promotion through EUF's website, social media, and other channels.
- A monetary prize will be awarded to support the continuation or expansion of the winning initiative. At this moment the amount will be one thousand Euro.
- Rights and Permissions:
- By submitting an initiative, the applicant grant the EUF the right to use the submitted materials for promotional, educational, and other purposes related to the contest.
- The applicant must ensure they have the necessary rights and permissions for any images, videos, or other materials submitted as part of their initiative.
- Miscellaneous:
- The EUF reserves the right to modify the contest rules, evaluation criteria, or prizes, as necessary.
- The EUF is not responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by the applicant in relation to their participation in the contest.